أشرطة الفيديو الإباحية - أفلام XXX مجانا

Vanessa Blue

اسماء مستعارة: DominaX

بلد: United States

ولد: May 27, 1974

عين: Brown

شعر: Black

ارتفاع: 162 cm

وزن: 57 kg

الثدي: Fake

المشاهدات: 0

نجوم البورنو Vanessa Blue أشرطة الفيديو الإباحية

1 أشرطة فيديو
In 2008 Blue won an Urban X Award for Videography and was admitted to the Urban X Hall of Fame in 2009. She has since been nominated for "Ebony Performer of the Year" by the 2010 XFanz Awards.

She now distributes her movies through Justin Slayer International signing with them in April 2010. She also operates and manages her own set of websites.

الفئات الشائعة

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تتجه نجوم البورنو
